Sunday, June 27, 2010

i LoVe new beginnings.

It's the start of something new. Whether it's a new day, a new chapter, a new goal...i enjoy the start of new journeys.

I love new beginnings.

I have lots of new beginnings in my life right now. New...







home office




Makes me think of when God made everything. I mean all of it. Clear back when it was the real beginning. I imagine that when God finished making know, things like the earth, sky, sun, moon, animals, people, the ocean...He took one big deep breath and sunk back into a cloud. I imagine He took one big deep breath to smell the freshness of the breeze and exhale in the amazing accomplishment before Him. I mean, He is God and can do anything but in my mind He probably even surprised himself with how great of a job He did :-)

One new beginning that I am really excited about is the excitement of having my hubby working from home instead of getting up every morning and driving into a parking lot and walking into a ginormous office building. I'm sitting in his home office right now and I've gotta say, I am pretty confident I'll be spending more time here! I'm in the loft of our bedroom and I am in total control of my surroundings. When having 2 little kiddos constantly requiring my attention, being in control of my surroundings is a big deal. So here I sit, listening to my "Norah Jones" station on Pandora and I am in total bliss. I love my hubby and my girls and I love being with them above all else!! However a very valuable lesson my husband has taught me is that in order for me to be best for them, I must take this time for myself.

This is a new beginning. I'm setting aside some time for me. Not to be selfish, but to be better for those I love most.

Expect more.

This is just the beginning to a lot of new journeys in MY life. i love it.

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